
First Master Plan
1995 Master Plan – Approved
Total Area –720.97![]()
Second Master Plan
Master Plan 2021 – 2041
Total Area –1254.93![]()
Planning Area

Vaigai River divide the city into two halves and development in the south side of the river is comparatively higher than the north side..
Development in the North side is towards Melur and South towards Thirumangalam (SH-101).
Thirumangalam Municipality growing as a Commercial Hub next to Core City.




“To Develop as a Tourism, Educational hub and Sustainable city”
Land Use Proposal
Existing Land Use - 2021

Proposed Land Use - 2041

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- Area

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project Proposal
Proposal For Economy

Integrated cold storage and value addition process for jasmine
Proposed SIDCO Near Natham
Multimodal logistic park and Warehouse clusters
MAADITSSIA-Trade center at Kappalur
TIDEL Park, Matuthavani
SIDCO, Sakkimangalam
Proposal For Transportation

Bus Schedule:
- Mattuthavanai-Thiruparankundram-Mattuthavani: Distance: 56 km, Headway: 10 mins, Frequency: 6 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 30 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 7, Trips Generated: 91
- Thiruparangundram-Thirumangalam-Thiruparangundram: Distance: 30 km, Headway: 15 mins, Frequency: 4 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 30 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 12, Trips Generated: 60
- Thirumangalam-Chekanurani-Thirumangalam: Distance: 37 km, Headway: 20 mins, Frequency: 3 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 40 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 13, Trips Generated: 52
- South East Loop: Distance: 42 km, Headway: 20 mins, Frequency: 3 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 40 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 12, Trips Generated: 48
- Paravai-Vadipatti-Alanganallur-Paravai: Distance: 52 km, Headway: 20 mins, Frequency: 3 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 40 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 10, Trips Generated: 50
- Chekanurani-Sholavandhan-vadipatti-Chekanurani: Distance: 58 km, Headway: 20 mins, Frequency: 3 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 40 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 9, Trips Generated: 45
- Mattuthavani-pudur-A.Vallalapatti-melur-Mattuthavani: Distance: 61 km, Headway: 20 mins, Frequency: 3 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 40 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 9, Trips Generated: 54
- Mattuthavani-melur-thirupuvanam-Mattuthavani: Distance: 65 km, Headway: 20 mins, Frequency: 3 buses/hr, Avg Speed: 40 km/hr, Trips per Bus: 8, Trips Generated: 48



Conservation of Eco-sensitive Region
Existing Proposal : Prioritized Wetlands: Vandiyur
T.Kunnathur Wetland Redevelopment is proposed ( Area: 0.99 sqkm) Eco-park of 98100 sqm area near Aritapatti Biodiversity site is proposed
Integrating Blue-Green Infrastructure.
Vaigai Front : River + Parks + NMT Pathways

Channel + Parks + Jogging cycling Tracks, Activity area For a stretch of 7 km.

Ghats development
near Kalazhagar ritual spot ( Area: 8316 sqkm)
Treating Vulnerable zones in LPA
Increasing Groundwater Recharge

Land reclamation near vacant lands near Pudukullam water body (0.494 sqkm)
Enhancement of existing green and blue cover in LPA

Urban Forestry in - Ambalathadi - 9 pt 1.00 acre.

Reclamation of Abandoned quarries at Vandiyur (2.63 ha) Katchaikatti (6.62 ha) Virelipatti (1.94 ha) Kulasekaran Kottai (0.25 ha) Urban Forestry
- The manner in which the land in the planning area shall be used;
- The allotment or reservation of land for residential, commercial, industrial,and agricultural purposes and for parks, play-fields, and open spaces;
- The allotment and reservation of land for public buildings, institutions, andfor civic amenities;
- The making of provision for national highways, arterial roads, ring roads, major streets, lines of communication including railways, airports, and canals;
- The traffic and transportation pattern and traffic circulation pattern;
- The major road and street improvements;
- The areas reserved for future development, expansion, and for new housing;
- The provision for the improvement of areas of bad layout or obsolete development and slum areas and for relocation of population;
- The amenities, services, and utilities;
- The provision for detailed development of specific areas for housing, shopping,industries, and civic amenities and educational and cultural facilities;
- The control of architectural features, elevation, and frontage of buildings and structures;
- The provision for regulating the zone, the location, height, number of storeys and size of buildings and other structures, the size of the yards and other open spaces and the use of buildings, structures, and land;
- The stages by which the Master Plan shall be carried out; and such other matters as may be prescribed.
- As the Master Plan is the document that prescribes land use, development control and building regulations, and policy recommendations that are adopted by different government departments, it plays a crucial role in defining the direction of growth of the city.
- The Master Plan is important for investors and businesses to identify priority areas of interest and ensure that the development is in line with the government’s vision.
- More importantly, the Master Plan is important to every citizen as the city’s growth affects everyday matters like the use of natural resources, transport, health, inclusivity, safety, quality of life, access to green spaces, vibrant public spaces, etc.
- The Master Plan is a broad, strategic document that outlines the vision and strategy for a city and is not meant to be a blueprint.
- Using the Master Plan as a guide, Detailed Development Plans (DDPs) and Local Area Plans (LAPs) are made.